Garage Door Opener
in Algemeen
Hello, I can't find Garage Door Opener HomeKit object type.
The "Switch Contact" is seen like a light.
The "Switch Contact" is seen like a light.
Hi Nicolas,
Homekit does not have a garage door opener for KNX. Unfortunately this is not something we can change. Only thing you can do if you want to use Pairot to open the door is to name the switch "garage door" and use it like that.
Apple does not allow this because of security reasons. Only devices that are directly linked with homekit are allowed to control doors. -
Hello Freek-Jan,
In other system I'm testing (ProKNX), I use :
a "switch type" to open / close the garage door and because the switch type doesn't have state address, I use :
a "contact detector type" to see the state. In HomeKit, I have changed the type of the contact detector to "Garage Door Opener" to see the right icon. (see captures joined)
I don't find those types in Pairot ?
Hi Nicolas,
ProKNX is not HomeKit certified, and therefor can ignore security requirements from Apple. So we are sorry to say that at this point this is not possible. -
Thank you for you fast response.
So there is not "Contact Detector" component type in Pairot ? Are you sure it can't be done ? A simply contact detector ? El Gato does it with Eve Door for example. There is no security issue in contact detection ? -
At this time there is no contact detection component. Technically it is possible but everything we want to add or change has to be approved and certified by Apple.
With future updates we will be adding more support for different components etc. I can imagine contact detection will be one of those but that's no guarantee i,m afraid.
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