Supported KNX components for Pairot // xxter voice

Freek-Jan Buijsman
Freek-Jan Buijsman Administrator
September 2020 aangepast in Algemeen
Updated: 02-09-2020
An overview of supported KNX components.
Note: Some components can only be controlled with a voice command.


  • Fred Thomas
    Fred Thomas Gebruiker
    May 2021 aangepast
    There is a bug with move up/down which is not accepted by the UI who INSISTS on position control. Can this be fixed ?

  • Freek-Jan Buijsman
    Freek-Jan Buijsman Administrator
    May 2021 aangepast
    Unfortunately the Apple "Home" app, for now, only supports position control. There are alternative apps available that are compatible with the "Homekit" platform that support up/down. To clarify things, Pairot does support move up/down so this is not a bug in Pairot.
    Eve is an example of a Homekit compatible app that offers more/different support, see screenshot below. There are many other apps available that are compatible with the Homekit platform.