Supported KNX components for Pairot // xxter voice
Freek-Jan Buijsman
Updated: 02-09-2020
An overview of supported KNX components.
Note: Some components can only be controlled with a voice command.
An overview of supported KNX components.
Note: Some components can only be controlled with a voice command.
There is a bug with move up/down which is not accepted by the UI who INSISTS on position control. Can this be fixed ?
Unfortunately the Apple "Home" app, for now, only supports position control. There are alternative apps available that are compatible with the "Homekit" platform that support up/down. To clarify things, Pairot does support move up/down so this is not a bug in Pairot.
Eve is an example of a Homekit compatible app that offers more/different support, see screenshot below. There are many other apps available that are compatible with the Homekit platform.
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