Pairot - Matter compatibility

Here you can see which Matter accessories are supported by the Pairot in combination with Matter.
Currently this is only available in the beta firmware.

Accessory typeKNX -> Matter*Matter -> KNX*
Switching lights
Dimming lights
Color temperature lights
Color lights
Switching plugs / sockets
Dimming plugs
Temperature sensors
Contact sensors
Light sensors
Pressure sensors
Humidity sensors
Flow sensors
Presence/motion sensors
Thermostatscoming soon
Fans 2
Window coverings 3
(blinds / shutters / screens)
Switch 1
Push button 1
Lockcoming soon

Some notes:

*) KNX -> Matter: Make KNX accessories availble in Matter.
Matter -> KNX: Use Matter accessories in your KNX installation.
1) HomeKit does not support Switches at this moment, but does support push buttons
Google does not support switches / push buttons at all at this moment
2) Fans are only partially supported in HomeKit and currently not supported by Google.
3) Google does not support tilt at this moment