Release notes xxter update 4.1.7

Release notes xxter update 4.1.7

  • Fixes a problem which could cause double triggering of actions
  • Fixes a problem which could block loading the configration when a doorbird has been configurated but is not reachable
  • Fixes a problem which could mangle incoming values of KNX telegrams
  • Fixes a problem which could give problems when upgrading the account details to a tokenbased authentication (when upgrading from a 4.0 or lower firmware)
  • Fixes a problem where new token authentication from the app's' does not show in the userlog
  • Fixes a problem in the chart display of the Smart Energy Manager in some special cases
  • Fixes a problem which could cause block the app connections for a couple of minutes
  • Fixes a calculation issue with the actual production charts in the Smart Energy manager, in some special ciscumstances