Script example 4: Presence simulation - Aanwezigheids simulatie
Freek-Jan Buijsman
This script offers a presence similation with random wait times.
Alternatively the built in xxter presence simulation can be used. This enables the user to record selected events in the home and play them back when needed. More information about the automated presence simulation can be found here.
This example consists of 4 scripts.
Alternatively the built in xxter presence simulation can be used. This enables the user to record selected events in the home and play them back when needed. More information about the automated presence simulation can be found here.
This example consists of 4 scripts.
#Script 1 for starting the simulation #This script turns two schedulers ON which start scripts 3 and 4 (in the morning and evening). #But only if there has not been anyone at home for more than 6 hours... WAIT 6 HOUR SET SCHEDULER(21/Presence morning) TO 1 SET SCHEDULER(22/Presence evening) TO 1 #You could use a trigger on the 'all off' near the front door to start this script or a trigger on a contact of the burglar alarm, so the script is started when the alarm is turn on.
#Script 2 for stopping the simulation #This script turns the schedulers off and stops the starting script. SET SCHEDULER(21/Presence morning) TO 0 SET SCHEDULER(22/Presence evening) TO 0 STOP SCRIPT(1/Start presence simulation) STOP SCRIPT(3/Morning simulation) STOP SCRIPT(4/Evening simulation) #You could use a presence detector to execute this script, or trigger it when the burglar alarm is turned off.
#Script 3 the simulation itself for the morning WAIT 0 RANDOM 30 MIN #First we wait for a random time, so every day the time the simulation start is a little different. SET BYTE(25/Bedroom wall light) TO 50 SET BIT(23/Hallway) TO 1 WAIT 5 MIN SET BYTE(11/Kitchen light) TO 80 WAIT 15 MIN RANDOM 10 MIN SET BYTE(25/Bedroom wall light) TO 0 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 80 SET BIT(80/Curtains) TO 0 WAIT 20 MIN RANDOM 20 MIN SET BIT(23/Hallway) TO 0 SET BYTE(11/Kitchen light) TO 0 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 0
#Script 4 the simulation for the evening WAIT 0 RANDOM 1 HOUR #First we wait for a random time, so every day the time the simulation start is a little different. SET BYTE(11/Kitchen light) TO 70 SET BIT(23/Hallway) TO 1 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 80 WAIT 30 MIN RANDOM 30 MIN SET BYTE(11/Kitchen light) TO 0 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 70 SET BYTE(24/Living room standing) TO 40 WAIT 1 HOUR RANDOM 1 HOUR SET BIT(80/Curtains) TO 1 SET BYTE(25/Bedroom wall light) TO 70 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 50 WAIT 1 HOUR RANDOM 1 HOUR SET BIT(23/Hallway) TO 0 SET BYTE(24/Living room standing) TO 0 SET BYTE(14/Living room spots) TO 0 WAIT 5 MIN SET BYTE(25/Bedroom wall light) TO 0
- 362 Alle Categorieën
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- 2 Aanwezigheidsdetectie
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- 50 Device
- 42 Device algemeen
- 3 Toegangsrechten en lokale gebruikers
- 4 Aanwezigheidssimulatie / Presence simulation